
Dive Operations
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Naval Historical Center
W.S. Hoole Special Collections Library at the University of Alabama



The CSS ALABAMA Association is a non-profit organization and relies upon membership dues, grants and similar donations as means to finance the recovery and conservation of artifacts from the Confederate States Steamer ALABAMA.
Please help in this extraordinary project to preserve and promote U.S. naval history. Many, notably French divers, devote their time to the project, but the cost of dive boats, electronics and other equipment, travel, transportation, accomodations and administrative expenses must be met through funding by the association.
To join, please print out this page, complete the form, and mail it to:
CSS Alabama Association (USA)
P.O. Box 2744
Mobile, Ala 36652-2744
YES, I want to help save an important piece of naval history from the CSS Alabama, the most successful warship to be sent against the maritime commerce of a great nation.
