
Dive Operations
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Naval Historical Center
W.S. Hoole Special Collections Library at the University of Alabama



(June 15, 2000 - Mobile, Ala.) Dr. Gordon Watts, PhD, Principal Investigator for archaeological operations on the CSS ALABAMA, departed today for Cherbourg, France. Dr. Watts identified mapping and recovery as the top priorities of year 2000 dives. He plans to operate three teams at the same time but at different locations on the wreck. Several divers will commence video mapping as soon as the team begins underwater operations. Each night video data will be worked into an automated computer aided design drawing of the wreck.
Teams will be assigned to the recovery of one of the anchors, a cannon, and a fire pump. Each team will document the object, clear sediment using air lift or scooter, and rig it for lifting.
Once lifting has been completed, operations will shift to the lifting screw and frame. This system was used for hoisting the ALABAMA's screw (propellor) clear of the water when she was under sail alone.
Other efforts include determination of whether the lifting system is attached to the hull, the making of detailed drawings of the object in order to permit calculation of its size and weight, and excavation around the aft pivot gun to permit further calculations.
Project ALABAMA Challenge, as Madame Ulane Bonnel has named it, is a watershed achievement in international cooperation on an underwater archaeological project. The French and American people working on the project have themselves already provided a superb example of competence and teamwork.
