(June 20, 2000 - Mobile, Ala.) Gordon Watts reports from Cherbourg that 17 boxes of dive, camera and underwater excavation gear have cleared customs and are at the site. Six boxes have cleared but are still in Paris.
Air Canada on Friday canceled the flight of Gordon's team from Raleigh to the departure city in Canada. Air Canada diverted them to DC. They tried all airlines, but all were overbooked. Eventually they got to Montreal and flew to Paris, arriving Monday morning. This has delayed operations until Wednesday or Thursday for the US divers.
The French have gone ahead and have run the base line of the hull and have started measuring the cannon. One canno is to be recovered this week if weather is good. Gordon hopes to dive Wednesday, and at the latest Thursday. The first goal will be to rig the cannon made for Alabama, and then lift it the next day.
The Mobile Register is running daily stories, and will run pictures when sent by email from Cherbourg. We will make pictures available as received. CSS ALABAMA Association President Robert Edington will arrive in Cherbourg on the 29th.